There’s a saying out there that I’m sure most of us are pretty familiar with. It goes a little like this… “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” The man behind this very famous quote is Neale Donald Walsch. Why would he come up with a quote like that? Honestly… I’m not entirely sure I agree with it! Life BEGINS at the end of your comfort zone?! Most of the time it feels like life ends or it starts hanging on by a thread when you enter into the discomfort zone. It definitely doesn’t feel like it begins. I look back at some of the hardest times in my life and it most certainly wasn’t pleasant, enjoyable or even at times “worth living”. And yet this quote intrigues me. What does it really mean?

I open up a browser on my laptop and type in “Neale Donald Walsch… who is he?” Wikipedia pops us. A catholic man on a quest for spiritual truth. Actor, screenwriter, and speaker. I scan the page and stop about half way down. In the early 1990s he suffered a series of crushing blows. A fire destroyed all of his belongings, his marriage fell apart, and a car accident left him with a broken neck. He ended up alone, unemployed and homeless. Living out of a tent, he collected and recycled aluminum cans just so he could eat. It was out of this complete desperation and during this all-time low that he started writing. His first book “Conversations with God” became an international best-seller and remained on the New York Times Bestseller List for 135 weeks! He has since published 28 books, which have been translated into 37 languages. Today he has a net worth of over 52 million.

I pause… wow. I hadn’t quite expected that. I assumed some rich old philosopher had once upon a time come up with this quote because it sounded wise. Felt good. Wrote it down without much thought behind it. And yet the truth behind this quote was actually far from it. 

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Suddenly the quote takes on a whole new meaning. A man who once lived in a tent, with almost nothing to eat, no friends, no family, no belongings, no comfort… he had been ripped away from comfort and entered into complete discomfort. And yet this very season of discomfort would bring him his greatest success, purpose and triumph. 

I look through the window of my office and stare out through the trees to the bright blue sky above. Not a cloud to be seen. No wind. No movement. Just quiet. Still. Maybe the quote isn’t as far fetched as I once thought. I think back to my hardest days as a teenager. My trafficking days. Days which turned into years, years which I didn’t think would ever end. Trapped in a cycle of addiction, abuse, pain and pure evil. It most certainly didn’t feel like my life had begun. And yet now looking back it’s exactly where it had started. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. It doesn’t say “life get’s good at the end of your comfort zone”. No. It says it begins. It begins because eventually we can look back and realize we’re where we’re at BECAUSE of that beginning. For Mr Walsch his life wasn’t milk and honey, flowers and paradise… so far from it. Homeless, alone, hungry, desperate… THAT’S where his life started. Away from all comfort, everything he knew. It was in THAT moment that he could be used for his full purpose. To his full potential. If his marriage had survived, if his house hadn’t burnt down, if he hadn’t broken his neck… would he have ever gotten to such a place of desperation to where he wrote a number 1 international bestselling book? I’m gonna take a guess and say NO! He needed his comfort to end so that he could start the life he was supposed to live. 

I rub my belly. Baby boy is kicking. I’ll be 26 weeks pregnant this week. Pregnancy has been so tough. I’ve felt awful for most of the last 6 months. There’s been a lot of pain, so much discomfort. Have just felt rough, most days. And yet this miracle… it still leaves me speechless. I think of the journey it’s been. The five years of infertility. All the horrendous procedures, triggering appointments. The miscarriage. Weeks of hospitalization. Having to rebuild my whole body. And yet here I am, 26 weeks pregnant, with a healthy, growing, kicking, baby boy living inside of me. A dream I never thought would come to pass. I’m experiencing the reality of that dream happening right now. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. The moment I fell pregnant I entered into a whole new season of leaving comfort behind. Again. But I know in a few months time when I’m holding my beautiful baby boy in my arms, it would have all been worth it. Every moment of discomfort. Every moment of pain and exhaustion. 

Had I never been trafficked I would never be doing the job I get to do today. Had I never walked through the different seasons of trials and pain, I wouldn’t know the people I do. I wouldn’t be married to Ryan. I wouldn’t be living in America. I wouldn’t be living this life. I wouldn’t be who I am right now. Comfort looks amazing. And it feels great. But it doesn’t ever push us to leave, or change, get better or try something new. During my most desperate times I’ve seen the most growth. Through the deepest pain I’ve experienced the most profound healing and developed the most real and authentic relationships. Out of my greatest hardships, unbelievable purpose was born. 

It’s scary walking into the unknown. Whether we are pushed into it unexpectedly, walk into it by choice or emergency crash land right into the heart of it… discomfort never feels good. The unknown is scary, unfamiliar, at times lonely and isolating, it can feel unsafe and disconcerting. Many of us run away from it, most do whatever they can to avoid it. Sometimes you can, most of the time you can’t. But even when you can, what opportunities are you missing? And when you can’t, how are we choosing to handle the uncertainty around us? 

When I moved to America 7 years ago I cried on the plane. I was leaving behind all I knew. Family, friends, work, everything familiar, everything I’d ever known… 4000 miles away. I was terrified to start over. Fearful of finding new friends, a whole new community, work. I had married the man I loved but had to leave everything else behind to be with him. Life starts at the end of your comfort zone. 7 years ago I cried thinking I could never build a better life than I already had. I was so wrong. It took being uncomfortable for a while and stepping fully into the unknown to build something bigger and better than I could have ever imagined possible. 

Whatever place you’re in right now. However uncomfortable, unfamiliar, unknown… remind yourself today that the unknown doesn’t last. The emotions don’t stay. The feelings, they pass. I can look back at every single difficult moment I’ve had to walk through and can see something better that was born because of it. There’s a purpose you need to fill, a task you need to accomplish, a dream that can only come to pass by walking into the unknown… by persevering through the pain. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Keep going, keep fighting and keep moving forward. 

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