I’m Back!

Hello my beautiful friends!

Wow it’s been a while! Almost 4 years actually. I almost have to remember how to do this!! So bare with me while the dust falls off and I re-find my mojo! 

I just had to read my last few blogs to see where I left it, and boy has life changed just a bit! I’m gonna take this opportunity to tell you a little about me for those who are just joining my crazy adventure. 

My name is Chi and I decided about 5 years ago to start using my life to help other people. My life has been complicated and my story complex. It’s definitely too long to fit into this intro! But I hope you’ll take some time and go through my website to find out more. For a long time I lived as a victim and I had no clue how to regain control over my life, my feelings and my mind. Fear crushed me, loss of control gripped me and anger defined me. I walked through each day unsure if I would see tomorrow and I lived each moment wishing I didn’t exist. 

It wasn’t one defining moment which made my life turn around. It was a choice. And it became a daily choice. I’ve had a huge amount of help along the way and without certain people I wouldn’t be alive today. But even with all the help in the world, it came down to a moment where I had to choose life or death. I had to decide what my future would look like. 

My journey has been tough. It’s been long and it’s been rocky. But I have learnt so very much! I’m most definitely not an expert in anything mental health or life related! But I do believe experience takes you a long way. 

I started my blog almost 5 years ago because I realised I could either keep my life to myself, or I could decide to share it and in the process hope to help a few people like I was helped. Within a year of starting my blogging I met my husband, got married, moved from the UK to America, bought a few dogs, became a step-mom, bought a house, moved another 4 times, learnt a third language and ended up in Germany! Regrettably I stopped blogging! Now, 4 years on it’s time to come back to my passion and rekindle my love of writing, people and life!

I look at our world today and it’s pretty messy. And I’m not just talking pandemic messy! Did you know that every 40 seconds someone commits suicide? Or that there are currently over 4 million sex trafficking victims? More than 800 million people are suffering with a mental health disorder and more than 11 million people are incarcerated. Those numbers are pretty staggering and sobering. Our world is a mess. Too many people are struggling and your average Joe walking down the street is dealing with more than we could ever know. 

I don’t have the answers on how to improve the statistics. But what I have experienced is a broken life made whole. I hope these blogs might help you or someone you know in some way. I hope we can journey together and figure this life thing out! I know change starts on the inside and filters out. It starts with each of us individually and as we become more whole we’re able to help those around us. There are so many people in very desperate situations needing help, support and a way out. My prayer is that we can start becoming those people. The ones who will step out and see the need. The ones who will look beyond their own lives and become someone else’s answer. 

I’m excited to get back to blogging and am already so grateful for your support! Let’s go on  this journey called life together and hopefully somewhere along the line we’ll start making an impact and a dent into the mess!

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